Our Commitment to the Planet

At Jute Gardens we recognize that we have an environmental responsibility to protect the planet and conserve finite resources. Our products are plastic-free, biodegradable, recyclable, and compostable. Jute plants help keep the environment clean as jute requires less fertilizer than other crops. Jute is a renewable resource.

Video: The Environmental Benefits of Jute

Choose Plastic-Free Products

Products made from jute stand out as a smart alternative to gardening with plastics. It’s easy to find plastic grow pots, plastic vertical gardens, and plastic microgreen kits, online or in stores. But plastics have many harmful effects on our environment. They harm marine and human health. Plastics litter beaches and landscapes. They clog waste streams and landfills. The toxic chemicals that leach from plastics can be found in nearly all animals, including humans. Exposure to them is linked to cancers, birth defects, impaired immunity, endocrine disruption, and other ailments. And perhaps worst of all, plastics never really go away. Plastics cannot biodegrade. Instead, they simply break down over many, many years into smaller and smaller pieces. Jute, on the other hand, is biodegradable, compostable, and recyclable


Jute Gardens Collection

jute fiber grow pot made with biodegradable material
Grow Pots
microgreens grown with jute gardens microgreen kit
Microgreen Growing Kits
jute gardens 9 pocket vertical living wall
Pocket Vertical Wall Gardens