
What is the Gold Standard for Carbon Offsets?
What is the Gold Standard for Carbon Offsets?

At Jute Gardens we use a carbon calculator to calculate our carbon footprint and we purchase carbon offsets to compensate for our greenhouse gas emissions. We donate proceeds of our business to The Gold Standard and we donate a portion of each transaction on our website to Planet, Shopify’s carbon offset application. 

A Guide to Caring for Microgreens
A Guide to Caring for Microgreens

Growing microgreens at home is an easy and fun way to save money and have nutrient-rich food at your fingertips. Although microgreens aren't difficult to grow, they do require tending to thrive. This guide to caring for microgreens will provide you with everything you need to grow these delicious and healthy plants everyone will enjoy.

What is Jute?
What is Jute?

Jute is versatile. Jute is biodegradable. Jute is made from a renewable resource. As beautiful as it is to look at, this durable fiber has been a mainstay among people for generations, providing a means to transport food and survive when conditions were rough. But what is this versatile textile, and why does it have the ability to help save the planet? Let's take a closer look and find out!

Beat Rising Food Prices: Growing Your Own Food
Beat Rising Food Prices: Growing Your Own Food

In this article, we will show you how to beat rising food prices by growing your own food.

Health Benefits of Growing Your Own Food
Health Benefits of Growing Your Own Food

Growing your food can increase the freshness of the produce, increase its nutritional values, help you avoid certain diseases, gain important vitamins, and much more.

Gardening in Small Spaces with Vertical Gardens
Gardening in Small Spaces with Vertical Gardens

You may think this growing trend can only apply to those with ample outdoor space, but you'd be wrong! People around the world have learned how easy gardening in small spaces like apartment balconies is, and they haven't looked back. There are so many benefits to bringing a piece of nature to your home that it's no wonder many of us discovered our green thumbs over the last few years.

hearth healthy microgreens
The Health Benefits Of Microgreens

You don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on an expensive meal or nutritionist to experience the health benefits of microgreens. It's easier than ever to find them in the grocery store or grow them at home since they require virtually no space to thrive. Are you curious to see how adding microgreens to your diet can give you the powerful nutrient boost you need? 

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